“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Einstein
It is also often said that in order to acquire extraordinary results, one must go beyond the ordinary. To go against the grain, to look at the problem from a fresh perspective. Here at IINGEN, our drive and passion isn’t simply to provide a technical solution, but also to challenge what is considered the norm and to provide bold and innovative solutions for our customers.
Our internal QA process is setup such that each and every project is viewed from a unique perspective. Bolstering a team from different parts of the industry, we are able to constructively collaborate in order to implement the most efficient and cost-effective solution. By placing specific emphasis on collaboration and teamwork in approaching every single problem, new set of diverse perspectives can be leveraged upon when tackling different problems in order to give the best possible solution, within the project’s financial and technical constraints.
Even if ideas weren’t validated at least the brain circuitry are fired in ways to think for new ideas habitually. Creativity comes naturally but when we are immune to change it becomes Revolutionary. At IINGEN we are all about that.
Workplace culture is also paramount within IINGEN. The growth mindset is instilled within the workplace culture such that each and every engineer has the ability to pursue their own interests, and encouraged to look for creative ways to integrate their interests within the day-to-day business. This emphasis on creativity ultimately carries itself through the design process, from project inception through to the project commissioning phase.
One of our aims is not to just be a service provider, but also to educate both our clients and the esteemed readers of our blog. We are looking to achieve this by simply starting a discussion. That’s right. By starting a discussion about our industry – including its many nuances and complexities. What we love about it, what we hate. With the explicit goal of collaboratively rejuvenating the industry one conversation at a time. Our industry is infinitely complex, and no single entity has all of the requisite technical expertise or answers.
For anyone that shares the same passion that we do and likes to continue this conversation, please reach out on info@iingen.com.au.