“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” – Henry Ford
Sydney’s recent lockdowns have once again forced many offices to get reacquainted with the work from home setup in an attempt to reduce the spread of the delta variant of COVID-19. We are once again required to enter the virtual workplace of phone calls and Teams meetings in an attempt to retain some semblance of team coordination. Navigating this virtual workplace has once again emphasized the importance of utilizing online tools for effective teamwork.
At IINGEN, we understand that teamwork and communication is fundamental to our expertise and the service that we provide to our clients. It is for this reason that we opt to utilize systems and programs which allow for online collaboration such that everyone is able to work together and communicate irrespective of whether everyone is in the office or working from home.
For example, as we have touched on in our previous blog post, the initial step of our design process is to run a brainstorm session with our colleagues. The aim of this session is to have a project discussion, which then forms the basis of our QA process. IINGEN runs these brainstorm sessions online via an online tool which enables free form discussion with an emphasis on creativity.
Below is an example of one of our recent brainstorms in which the team got together to collaborate and discuss various solutions to a problem which had arisen on a project which IINGEN were engaged with.

Figure 1: Overall Brainstorm
The purpose of the brainstorm was to discuss two potential solutions and its implications, both from a project (financial) perspective and also from an Australian Standard compliance perspective, which can be broken down as follows:

Figure 2: Project Options

Figure 3: Potential risk and technical outcomes
The ‘flowing’ visual layout allows for the reader to understand the train of thought and the flow of the discussion in order to get an understanding of how we were able to reach the eventual outcome.
We are consistently looking for ways to improve company processes in favour of efficiency. Our implementation of an online collaboration tool is just a small sample of the types of things that we look into in order to ensure that IINGEN remains relevant and competitive in the face of the increase of technology uptake.
Challenge the status quo!